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Links of the week

Updated: May 17, 2022






Thematic: Self-exploration, consciousness, spirituality

Style: Adventures Time, Rick and Morty.

Incredible series, very good quality stuff here. Haha.

I confess not being a fan of this style of animation but the content is so WAW that I made an exception.

The colors are pretty, and pleasant.

Anyway, I recommend it.

If you are not too fond of this kind of format but are still curious, I advise you to watch at least the last episode. It is very beautiful.

You can also watch the episodes in podcast mode (listening without watching to the images).

MÉDITATION : @bentinhomassaro

Bentinho and his team created a series of meditations (about 1 hour each) in the form of an online retreat. You’ll find it on his Youtube channel.

I already recommended his teachings to you. Not dual. It presents many tools that I am familiar with and that, in my opinion, lead to basics.

Without too many detours he teaches the essence of Yoga, the Self-exploration or, in other terms, spirituality.

Well, it resonates or not. It’s up to you to judge it.


Les affirmations :

This is a very complete video. You can listen to it from time to time or commit to watching it regularly.

Here we delve into the subject of the power of thoughts, beliefs and their remodeling according to our will. To better understand the mechanics and the impact these exercises can have, I refer you to the book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. This is a timeless book of high quality. You can read and re-read it during all your life.

I already told you about it in a Podcast, all the links to the audiobooks and summaries are included in the video description.

Tips: I listen to it the morning. The brain is fertile before sleeping and when waking up for this kind of seeds. Or at any time of the day when you are particularly relaxed. The first time I listened to it, I took the time to do nothing else and put all my attention on it. The following days, I turn it on and do stuff at the same time, my bed, tidy, sweep etc.

Your brain is attentive to statements that are useful for you. There is no effort to be made. It selects the information itself.

La gratitude : Merci @Nickysutton

I remember that, at first I didn’t love to much the tone of her voice, but I got used to it and appreciate it. I love and can only recommend this routine. You can measure its effects as soon as you listen to the video.

It think I listenef to it during at least a month every day. As it is shorter than the video Affirmations I take the time to repeat, sentence after sentence, the thanks..

Once again, something very concrete is happening when we say thank you. Energetically talking it is suprising. I’ll probably make you a video on that subject so you can get an idea. What do we mean by energy? What is the link between thoughts, words and energy? etc

Finally, I invite you to check the guided meditations, asanas sessions, podcasts, the new episode of The Game on Lifexploratrice channel and more.

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- Marie Mazeau certified teacher. Guiding with gentleness, mindfulness and Joy in Paris and internationally online.

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