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Tips before going to a Yoga class

Writer's picture: lifexploratricelifexploratrice

Updated: May 17, 2022

Are you ready to discover the answers to these four questions ?

1. I don't have a mat and want to practice asanas (postures) what can I do ?

2. What are the different styles of practice ?

2.What to were to practice asanas ?

3. Is the practice only for women ?

1. I don't have a mat and want to practice asanas (postures) what can I do ?

You can practice without a mat. Actually a mat is really not needed except if you do a all long session of Yin. You can use blankets and or cushions, blocks at your Home or in classes to put under the knees

. I practice on the floor and bring a simple mat and cushion in places where I teach just because I don't know how clean the floor is, if it is cleaned regularly and the floor approached in a holy way. Yoga has 0 prerequisites, in can be practiced everywhere, without any fancy products. It all starts from you, being, and inquiring from there ;)

2. What are the different styles of practice ?

Well, I am just going to present 4 of them to you briefly. If you want to have more precise knowledge about them, internet will be your friend to start your research. To find a balance between hot and cooling the body, to use asanas as an energetic technology, a profound meditation. Each class is unique and is inspired by different styles.

My classes are mainly inspired by : Yin - maintaining during 3-5mns an asanas close to the ground. Vinyasa- synchronize the breath with the movement, flow, synergy. Hatha- maintaining posture ground and standing, bringing the focus. Iyengar- the science of alignment. And seated meditation, mindfulness. There are other styles and for each style, a different approach from teacher to teacher. So see what makes you tingly, wawou, Joy, peace... See what is a no no for you, what you want to explore and how etc, and trust your choice. There is no better approach. It is about what resonates and what doesn't.

2.What to were to practice asanas ?

Whatever is comfortable for you to move into. The clothes should not take place in your head when practicing, they should allow you to focus on something else. So may it be clothes that take your thoughts out of them.

Leeging is not a rule just a trendy thing at this point. Teachers use it to show well the asanas and better see student's practice, but for example when I teach for the same student regularly I will not feel the need to dress in a certain way. Tips : not too large bottom pants. A shirt, top that doesn't float bottom and up (it sticks to you comfortably or is tucked in for you to not be bothered by it -belly, chest - if it will be a cause of discomfort, distraction during your practice), consider to question the use of society daily bras. That's it I think.

Test yourself and see what works and what doesn't.

3. Is the practice only for women ?

As mentioned in previous posts. Yoga is far beyond this duality. Understanding yourself, why you are here, who are you really, reconnecting with yourself, life in an authentic way, questioning what you take to be reality are questions that transcend these concepts. Life has been given to all, Yoga starts from this point. Being. Wanting to be at ease with life has nothing to do with the body you wake up with. Plus, this same body and the identification to it is another thing to inquire and...deconstruuuct. Peace, Joy and recognizance is here and now. So no, the classes do not focus on that, our attention is on something we all share, first sensations, the breath and then continuing the exploration opening your vision.

Why being at ease, inquiring should be closed for some or reserved for some ? Pragmatically, it is not so... so why are you not jumping into what you know resonates, maybe inform yourself on what Yoga is really about, learn, read, meet, and then test it for yourself Lifexploratrice

- Marie Mazeau Yoga teacher in Paris and online internationally. Beyond time and space. Guiding with gentleness, mindfulness and Joy.


Marie Mazeau Lifexploratrice professeure de Yog Paris douceur et méditation

@lifexploratriceyoga_paris sur Instagram

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